HealthcheckWith a data protection healthcheck, you can find out the current status of the organization’s data protection in a cost-effective way. In the healthcehck, you will get answers to questions about the organization’s data protection compliance.
An overview of the organization’s data protection status with data protection healthcheck
With a data protection healthcheck, you can find out the current status of the organization’s data protection in a cost-effective way. In the final report of the healthcheck, Privaon’s data protection specialists have compiled the findings and recommendations for possible corrective measures in order of importance. For the customer, the healthcheck is a time-saving way to find out the status of data protection, even in a quick schedule if necessary.

What is data protection healthcheck?
With Privaon’s data protection healthcheck, you will get answers to questions about the organization’s data protection compliance. Such questions may include:
- Should we have a data protection officer?
- Is our key documentation in order?
- How often must the key documentation be viewed?
- Do we have to have an data protection annual plan?
- Are we missing something essential from the point of view of data protection requirements?
A cost-effective process for conformity assessment
A quick assessment of the organization’s current state of data protection
The persons responsible for the organization’s data protection and who play a central role in terms of data protection work get to evaluate the current state of data protection and possible corrective measures
The organization has important information about the current status of the organization’s data protection to support decision-making
The organization receives a transparent report on the findings and recommendations on possible corrective measures in order of priority
Service Deployment Process
The data protection healthcheck gives you a good overview of your organization’s data protection status and recommendations for possible next measures in order of importance. You can get e.g. support for decision-making and data protection plans from the healthcheck.
See also our other privacy services.
Contact us and we will make a preliminary plan for you!