Managed Services

DPO as a Service

Our most comprehensive data protection service, with an outsourced, GDPR compliant data protection officer. We solve your data protection challenges cost-effectively.

DPO as a Service

Did you know that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) allows organisations to outsource the role of a Data Protection Officer (DPO)?

Our most comprehensive data protection service, with an outsourced, GDPR compliant data protection officer includes a data protection annual plan to lay out all the steps to reach a desired level of compliance. Privaon´s DPO as a Service enables your organization to reach the desired compliance level.

Data Protection Officer (DPO) ensures that your organisation complies with the legislation, acts accordingly regarding data protection practices and has general ownership of data processing activities. For some organisations, it’s mandatory to have a nominated DPO, but it’s almost always recommended.

DPO as a Service


By outsourcing the role of the DPO, you can reach e.g. the following benefits:

  • Improve the level of GDPR compliance
  • Flexibly outsource data protection related activities and focus on your core business
  • Engage an experienced team of privacy specialists with wide-range expertise in data protection activities in various fields
  • Create data protection annual plan
  • Mitigate the risk of a conflict of interest of the DPO

The service is suitable for all organizations, but is especially useful for the following types of organizations:

  • Limited available resources for organizing a data protection officer
  • Limited opportunities to achieve high-quality data protection
  • Regulated industry

DPO as a Service

Privaon’s DPO can perform for example the following tasks

Composing and maintaining a data protection annual plan
Practical operations, like personnel training, creating and maintaining data inventory and records of processing activities, as well as composing and planning processes
Informs and advises the customer on privacy and data protection
Monitors compliance
Provides advice on conducting DPIA’s
Co-operates with supervisory authorities
Acts as a contact point for supervisory authorities
DPO as a Service can focus on the tasks described in the GDPR as well as operative data protection activities. The service does not thus have to be limited to mere advisory and compliance monitoring described in the GDPR.

DPO outsourced to Privaon can take care of other privacy and data protection tasks, e.g. privacy auditing, assessments, reviewing and planning.

DPO as a Service

Service Deployment Process

The service deployment process for our DPO as a Service starts off with a setup workshop, where the organisation’s current situation is assessed, and an annual plan is composed outlining the activities and tasks to become compliant. Activities can be divided into reactive and proactive support, which in combination create a comprehensive DPO service. The annual plan is implemented based on a chosen service level, which sets the extent and schedule of the service. This enables us to optimise the service based on your organisation’s needs.

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