Balancing testThe balance test is a key part of implementing compliant processing of personal data.
Balancing test
Privaon’s data protection specialists offer practical help and advice for preparing a balance test suitable for the individual situation of the data controller.

Balancing test
Complying the test
The balancing test regarding the legitimate interest is a key part of the implementation of compliant processing of personal data. Privaon recommends preparing a balancing test regarding the legitimate interest before starting the processing and, if necessary, prepare it again if the purpose, scope, context or nature of the processing changes.
Balancing test
Compliance: A well-prepared balancing test helps in the implementation of compliant data protection and is a key document in terms of the obligation to provide evidence.
Participatory working: By participating in the preparation of a balancing test, the employees of your organization understand why balance test is prepared and how one can be prepared in the future
Saving time: Privaon’s methodology offers an easy and fast way to produce a written assessment regarding a legitimate interest
Customer trust: A well-prepared balance test can be published on the controller’s website, which increases trust among data subjects and reduces the possibility of a reputational risk, when the data controller is able to explain in detail to the data subjects why legitimate interest is the most suitable basis for processing
Balancing test
Service Deployment Process
Steps of the service:
- Preparation and initial meeting, gathering the necessary information
- Complying the Balancing test
- Final meeting
Contact us and we will make a preliminary plan for you!